Climate Café Series

Climate Cafes climate cafe

The Climate Café series, established by University of Miami's Rosenstiel school, is designed to be an informative, casual conversation that encourages conversation on groundbreaking science. CIMAS scientists often participate in these conversations to educate the public further about our research initiatives.


Climate Café Series

The Future of Climate. A look back at 2023 and the best available science to plan for the future.

January 17, 2024

  • Rosenstiel scientists: Ben Kirtman (CIMAS), Brian McNoldy
  • University of Miami Climate Resilience Academy: Michael Berkowitz, Executive Director
  • Visiting Scientist: Tiffany Troxler, Director, Sea Level Rise Solutions Center, Florida International University
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Climate Café Series

Water, water, everywhere… Is the Florida current slowing down and what impacts does it pose for South Florida? How will rainfall, hurricanes and increased days of flooding dictate how adaptation strategies evolve?

November 8, 2023

  • Rosenstiel scientists: Lisa Beal, Katharine Mach, and doctoral student Paloma Cartwright
  • Visiting scientist: Tom Frazer, Executive Director, Florida Flood Hub for Applied Research and Innovation, University of South Florida
  • Stakeholder: Carolina Maran, District Resiliency Officer, South Florida Water Management District


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Climate Café Series

Searing, sweltering, stifling: How record-high temperatures and a marine heat wave baked South Florida this summer.

October 18, 2023

  • Rosenstiel scientists: Ben Kirtman (CIMAS), Andrew Baker, Amy Clement, and doctoral student Lynée Turek Hankins
  • CIMAS scientist: Michael Studivan
  • Stakeholder: Jane Gilbert, Chief Heat Officer, Miami Dade County



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