Ecosystem Observations, Modeling, Forecasts, and Management

cimas cimas
cimas research theme

Research conducted under this theme will focus on:

  • Improved understanding, earth system modeling and forecasting of the structure and function of marine ecosystems including ecosystem services provide for the Southeast U.S. coastal ocean, the Caribbean Sea, and the Gulf Large Marine Ecosystems;
  • the use of ‘omics, eDNA and autonomous underwater vehicles to characterize and map underwater ecosystems; fish recruitment and productivity; protected species sustainability and recovery; and human health (e.g., beach closings, fish contaminants, and harmful algal blooms), all of which will be used in the assessment and management of living marine resources and their habitats;
  • identifying and improving the understanding of climate variability and change, as well as anthropogenic impacts on ecosystems and the effect of these changes on the interactions between people and natural systems at the global, regional, and local levels;
  • promoting sustainable coastal development, facilitating community resiliency, and enabling an ecosystem approach to management in the Southeast U.S. coastal ocean, the Caribbean Sea, and the Gulf marine ecosystems;
  • enhanced scientific understanding of the interconnections between the marine ecosystem and the adjacent watershed including their human health and resource stewardship implications including the effects of climate change
