CIMAS/Miami-Dade College Undergraduate Internship Program


The CIMAS/Miami-Dade College Undergraduate Internship Program will provide Miami-Dade College undergraduate students in STEM disciplines with research experience and mentoring. CIMAS researchers will design research projects, guide students through the execution of these projects, and serve as mentors.

  • CIMAS will support three students for summer 2024
  • Specific initial, mid-point, and final goals for each internship will be identified prior to the start of the program
  • Students will be supported at a rate of $20/hr, 20 hr/week, for a 10-week summer program (exact start/end date TBD). Financial support will be provided by CIMAS.
  • Students will write final reports and deliver a 20-minute presentation on their projects.
  • Approximate timeline
    • October 2023: Mentor recruitment and project plan development
    • November–January 2023-24: Student applications
    • January 16, 2024: Application deadline
    • Late January 2024: Internship offers made to students
    • February–March 2024: NOAA clearances and computer accounts, etc.
    • mid-May to mid-August 2024: Students work with mentors
    • August 2024: Final presentations

The internship application deadline has passed.

Contact information:

Katie Eaton,
Stephanie Rosales,
Emily Becker,

Current Projects

Marine Mammal Stranding

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Iconic Reefs Biodiversity Monitoring

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Sea Level off Southern Florida’s coast: time scales, climate change, and potential risks

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Completing a Qiime2 Pipeline

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Past Interns
